Is a collaborative project between Siobhan Miles-Moore and Jessica Elleray in which they explore and bring to light some of the hidden landscape and stories of Coniston’s Coppermines Valley.

It includes an exhibition of paintings, sculpture, film and poetry in The Ruskin Museum from 10 August 2019 until 6 October 2019.

It also includes a sculpture trail from the Museum up into, and around the Coppermines Valley itself. At the start and at the and are two big stones gilded in copper acting as reminders of two of the key activities that have shaped Coniston. Mining and quarrying.

Pictured here is the biggest of all the installations. Circa 15 tonnes of Brandy Crag’s finest. Donated by Burlington Stone and located in the heart of the Valley between The Copper Barn and the Coppermines Heritage Centre.

Alongside all this there is a series of workshops in which people are taught the endangered art of gilding and invited to copper gild their own stone either to keep or add to the sculpture trail.

None of this would have been possible without the generous support and enthusiasm of Burlington Stone, Coppermines and Lakes Cottages and Gold Leaf Supplies. It has been a real collaboration of community and friendship.